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P. O. Box 402     11050 East Bayshore Road     Marblehead, OH  43440

Events 2025
2025 Schedule of boating and non-boating events!

(Further details for most events to be added soon!)

Be sure to read your newsletter for additional side-events that may occur during the season.

February 7  11:30am
February in Florida!
BPYC Lunch at the Riverwalk Restaurant inside the Tin City shopping complex located in Naples, Florida.

April 12 10am
General Membership Meeting and Opening Day of Clubhouse
Clubhouse and property cleanup immediately following the meeting. Please wear/bring work clothes with you and help us open the clubhouse for the season.
Lunch will follow.
Burning of the Socks

Garage Sale
Loads of merchandise for sale! 

May 3rd  4:30pm
Reservations needed by 04/28/25

May 10 10am
General Membership Meeting 
Potluck Brunch after meeting with special beverages.

May 17 to May 23
National Safe Boating Week

May 26   9am

Blessing of the Fleet at Bay Point Marina  

Memorial Day Service
at Bay Point flagpole near F and G docks (At the Point)

Pancake Breakfast at Bay Point Marina
- open to the public. Free to US military veterans. Donation requested from non-veterans.

TBA in June

ABC Safe Boating Class 
Women on the Water
Open to all BPYC, Bay Point Marina, and Public
Location:  Bay Point Yacht Club or other locations to be announced.

Fire Suppression Inspection for Club Members and Bay Point Marina boat owners.  Contact Dan at or refer to the BPYC newsletter for more information. 

June 14th 10am

 5:30pm - 10pm

General Membership Meeting

Dinner/Party - Entertainment by the famous John Pickle!
(Paid Reservations Required) See newsletter for details.)

TBA - June
The information for the first cruise of the season will be announced later.

July 4th

Independence Day!  No planned event at this time although members can enjoy the fireworks at Cedar Point on their own at the club property.

 July 12  10am

5:30pm - 10pm

General Membership Meeting

Party (5:30 Cocktails, 6:00 pm Dinner, 7:00 – 10:00 pm for the party featuring "No Eileen" for our entertainment. 
See the June and July newsletter for more information and contact information.  Paid reservations required.

TBA July
Cruise plans to be announced later.  Drive your boat or vehicle to the destination.

TBA August
Cruise  (Boats and/or vehicles)

August 9th 10am

5:30pm - 10pm
General Membership Meeting
Honoring our Past Commodores
Past Commodores' Night -  Party with Cocktails, dinner and with entertainment by Ron Howard and Cruisin'

August 23rd
River Cruise - Tackle Box, Jimmy Bukkets & Rayz on the Bay 
(Small boats and/or vehicles)
Jim Kollmann is the Cruise Captain.

September 13 10am

5:30pm - 10pm
General Membership Meeting

Dinner/Party with the "New Connection"
The Big Raffle Drawing!   Tickets to be sold by members.

September 20
Sandy's Famous Perch Fry

October 11 10am
General Membership Meeting
End-of the Season Prep for Closing the Clubhouse
Burning of the Fish
Lunch to be served.

December 6th
Change of Watch/Holiday Party
Sandusky Yacht Club
More Information to follow in your newsletter.